mercredi, septembre 20, 2006

Back in Aomori

Came back to Aomori tonight to catch my plane in the morning. Had a decent time in Rokkasho. The first day, we walked around, had some meat on a stick, the second day we stayed inside because of all the rain (typhoon and all). So basically all that got done was a lot of Scrubs and other dvds were watched.

The third day I walked for 20 km trying to find the ocean... which I failed too. Maybe next time Ill zoom out the map to see that it was east of me, and that body of water to the south was a marsh. Pretty though. Afterwards I went out with Chans co-workers. 2 Koreans, a German, and his Japanese boss. It was a good time, and they payed for me.. Also got me lightly drunk with delicious drinks. And after trying some of the finest food Japan has to offer, I still haven't changed my "Japanese food sucks" wisdom :)

Next day, went to one of Chan's schools. It was cool.

This place is closing. Ill go back to my hotel and do nothing.. as I usually do in Japan.... whee...

Tokyo and Hong Kong tomorrow! Next day, O-Town!


At jeudi, septembre 21, 2006 2:01:00 a.m., Blogger Emily said...

Dear Matt...
Glad to hear that you're still having a great time.
Say hi to Chan for me.
I'm also glad you're not in Thailand right now, since there was just a coup d'etat.
I hope your Thai friend and his/her democratic rights will be okay.
Peace and love.
See you soon!

At jeudi, septembre 21, 2006 2:01:00 a.m., Blogger Emily said...

Dear Matt...
Glad to hear that you're still having a great time.
Say hi to Chan for me.
I'm also glad you're not in Thailand right now, since there was just a coup d'etat.
I hope your Thai friend and his/her democratic rights will be okay.
Peace and love.
See you soon!

At jeudi, septembre 21, 2006 2:01:00 a.m., Blogger Emily said...

Dear Matt...
Glad to hear that you're still having a great time.
Say hi to Chan for me.
I'm also glad you're not in Thailand right now, since there was just a coup d'etat.
I hope your Thai friend and his/her democratic rights will be okay.
Peace and love.
See you soon!


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