jeudi, septembre 07, 2006

Red Lights

I decided to try the other side of the Hakata station today, since the side I'm staying on is so uneventful. There wasn't much at first, more lights than the otherside for sure, but still not much.

Then, more and more, I was seeing these gorgious girls dressed up as if it were prom. So I continued, and came accross what seemed at first to be the club district. What struct me as odd though was every club had their prices based on how many hours you were going to stay, and an aweful lot of these had posters showing off a wide veriety of hot girl. It could be a cultural thing.

Another thing I noticed was, instead of lines of 20 year olds, half guys, half girls, like you'd have at The Heart and Crown, but more of.. almost all guys, mostly in suits, a lot of older men too.

Again, might be a cultural thing, and it was early.. Maybe most of the girls havne't come out to even out the ratio.

Another thing I noticed was that old ugly rich-looking men seemed to often have a super gorgious extravigantly dressed young hotty on their arm. Where did they get these girls? Probably accross the street where I saw a line of girls being picked off one by one by men who would then introduce them selves, and enter in the hotel with them. On the other side of hotel were "couples" coming out, and parting.

The last straw was when I was offered a massage from a girl holding a smut poster. I'd found it, the essential red light district. Also the only part of town I've found so far that seemed to have a night life.

It was mildly entertaining to walk around in.

I spent most of the day walking around, visited some temples, spent hours trying to find the museum, once I did, it was closed.. Looked glorious on the outside though.

Also saw this sport these kids were playing that looked awesome. There wer elike, 50 japonese boys, with a bit of protective gear one, and one long pole, about 8 feet tall, 7" diameter. The goal of the game, as far as I could tell, was that one team had to keep the pole up, and the other, knock it down. So before starting, a bunch of kids raised the pole, and wrapped them selves around it forming a base, then other kids supported it more, etc.. Then a whistle blew, and the other team just rushed them, they were throwing each other in every which direction, tackling, etc.. Then one kid just jumped on another kid, and another, and grabbed the pole, and tried to pull it down with his weight, and then another did the same, just lept on to the crowd and ran on their backs to the poll.

The game looked awesome, next time we have 30 japonese kids, we (whoever we is) should play.

This was after enjoying a classic cheese burger from Freshesh Burger, which was after trying out real japonese food, and not being able to eat what I ordered (man that picture didn't communicate that dish well)..

Off to the airport tomorrow morning!