mardi, septembre 05, 2006

Night one in Fukuoka

Well, my bank cards dont work anywhere, no one takes mastercard (except for hotels), and the airport treated me like I was Arab or something, pulled me away from customes, kept asking me if I had drugs, searched all my stuff, kept checking that I had a return ticket, etc.

I hope that half eaten chocolate bar in my bag will be satisfying, its all I can eat tonight.

(No money makes me poor)

I don:t think I:m really in a touristy area right now, and if I am, it sucks. I:ll try and find some place better tomorrow. And in the worse case scenario, I have a meal waiting for me on the plane in the 8th. (Of course, without the means to buy a train ticket to the airport, a measly 2.50$ CND, Ill be hungry after the walk there)

And sorry about the use of : instead of appostraphies. This is a japonese keybored. Also, half the space bar is a language toggle, so everytime I go to press space with my right thumb, as I quite enjoy to do, suddenly I:m typing in Japonese (A language that as it turns out, I reallly don:t speak). In a word, the whole issue is annoying.

On the bright side, the girls here are gorgious.