mercredi, septembre 06, 2006

Day 2 in Fukuoka

I haven't been this bored in months. Theres nothing to do in this town. It's so not for tourists its not even funny. For instance, I can't even find a place to buy postcards.

One more day here, I guess I'll check out a temple or something..

I was able to get cash from the ATM at the post office. My buddy Chan had the same problem, but never mentioned it and the solution until after I was in Japan :)

I went to Marine Land today, it was the best I could find. It was vaguely entertaining, dolphins are cool. Would have been more fun, but overall I'm jsut depressed here. And I couldn't seem to sleep last night so that adds to the pesimistic outlook.

Hmm.. no ones on at 5 am EST, odd..

At least prostitutes aren't following me back to my room anymore. They really don't take hints, you have to be direct with them: No, and don`t pick my pocket.

I`m going to find my hostle, maybe there will be people there, if not I'll check out a bar. If nothing else, I can spend the night writting postcards. The messages may not be entertaining or remotely interesting, but I assure the recipient that the picture on the cover is pretty. (except the Ho Chi Minh ones I sent.. those were kinda boring abd ugly)

hey, I just found the appostrophy key, at least I accomplished something today. :)

PS; I managed to get my Nah Tran pictures up. And fortunatly they're also the most fun and interesting pictures.

Well, after getting to the middle of nowhere, I called them as instructed by their card.. and turns out its a Holiday and they're closed. *sigh* What a hostle. Managed to make it back.. If there was an earlier flight out of here, I'd pay the 150$ Flight Changing fee to take it in an instant. So depressed here.

Can't wait for Bangkok, and eventually (2 weeks) home.