dimanche, octobre 22, 2006

Some Stuff

There's not much that's special in organic wheat

If organic food really is healthier for you, it almost certainly has nothing to do with its nutritional content. A study comparing wheat grown organically and conventionally found that chemically they were virtually indistinguishable.

This article outlines that organic food does not yeild any extra nutritional value, or have a different taste. It doesn't tackle the pesticides issue though, which is one of the actual (I say actual, since I have a strong sense that a lot of people adopt organic foods just to be "cool") reasons people choose organic.

Orionid meteors to peak this weekend

Missed this last night... Oh well :( Would have been cool. The earth is travelling through debris from Haley's comit.



Check this out, you compile a book of images (well, whatever you want) using their software, send it to them and they print it out, bind it, etc.. Make you a nice book.

lundi, octobre 16, 2006

Uncle Matt

So, turns out I'm going to be an uncle. How does this happen? Quite simply, my brother is having a kid. S/he's due in April.

Am I excited? Ya actually. His girlfriend, Steph, already has a little daughter, Vicky, who just meeting, has reassure me that dispite my brothers looks, the new kid will be absolutely adorable. Vicky and Tony, nose to nose

Talked to her on MSN last night, I was impressed, she can already read and write. I couldn't read until I was around 15, and she almost has me beet in spelling already too. :S

But ya, she already calls me "Uncle Matt", it's a weird feeling. :)

samedi, octobre 07, 2006


Yo, science is making progress towards teleportation, check it out: http://news.com.com/Quantum+information+teleported+from+light+to+matter/2100-11395_3-6122801.html?tag=cd.top