lundi, mai 30, 2005

Soccer is awesome!

Heh, my tire went completely flat again today. I know my father specifically told me it'd happen, but still, I didn't think it actually would. It was worse than before too. Like, yesterday it'd at least hold air for a while. Today when I attached the pump, there was no noticible difference. I got one of the girls to go and ask the garage mechanic to help us (I've lived long enough to know that if you need something done, get a hot girl to ask someone else for help for you.) It was all good timing to, you know.. when I was already really late.

Anyways, we played soccer out in Blaire and it was awesome, except the mosquittos. I wasn't there 5 minutes before killing two mosquiettos in mid bite. By the end it was insane, they were everywhere. I had some good passes, some good defending, but I still screwed up too often to be considered an "asset." It's all good though. Except for when Anu, Louise, and Kate proclaimed I was my own worst defender as they watched me loose the ball to my self, and somehow had made a circle pattern around the ball.

dimanche, mai 29, 2005


(These two paragraphs are complaining about being bored... You can just skip them, they're only
there because Chan said I should pour more emotion into this blog endeaver)

So what have I done today? Absolutely nothing. Woke up, showered, was already to go out..... and nothing. This is why I disagree with those people who don't like plans and rely on random things happen. Relying on that leaves me restless and depressed i na hot room too bored to motivate my self to accomplish anything.

It's not like I gave up easily though, Sean is away, other friends are working, I've seen other friends too recently to see them again, some friends are busy, I don't have a key to my work yet so I can't do work, Tiff's far away, Tyler's not talking to me, Carleton's was too anal to let me register one day late (even so though, I wouldn't have filled these 16 hours with school work). etc.. And then the few people who are left are the same as me, and getting together would just leave two of us just as bored and it would probably be awkward.

At least I can depend on not being able to sleep tonight due to the lack of physical activity today. :)

(Bored complaining kind of stops here)

The most exciement I had today is why I bit down on my Cinnamon&Sugar toast to realise that maybe I should look at the label on the container of stuff I pour onto things, or at least not shrug off the colour as "must be more sugar than normal". Maybe that slight bit of attention to detail would save me from only reliasing that the ridiculous proportions of powder I poured on the toast wasn't actually a sugar&cinnomon mixture, but ground up garlic, only after I bite into it. Four hours later I still can't get the taste of garlic out of my mouth.

Saw Star Wars this week, wasn't bad. Kind of cheesey, but hey, whats a movie without a frankenstein style walk up to a big "NOOO!!!!" climax? I also proved n^3 is smaller than 2^n for n>10 where n is an element of Z. Worked a lot, hung with Jen, and Lou, went to Capoeira, and had an awesome bday pool party.

AdemirNow, some people claim I have a weak commitment to, or "low standarts" of, safety when I invited them to, or told them about, my drunken pool party, but I disagree. And no, I'm not going to back up this counter position with "a point". :) But the plastic bottles I used to spare us glass bottles in the pool worked out great. You can open and clsoe them, so none get spilt, you can jump in the pool with them.. And they're easy enough to hold with your teeth, prompty such activities as: drinking underwater, chugging the bottle while swimming on your back (I'd like to point out that Emily's performance at this task completely crushed any of our attempts. I made it three feet before I had to give up with a couphing fit.. Though I think the fact that her's was 7% alcohol, and my drink, though seemingly coke, contained a excessive amount of Fireball in it, and Fireball isn't the easiest drink to chug, had something to do with it.) and other such wonderous activities.

mayoWe hung out in the pool for a few hours, then went back to my place for nachoes, chilled, some people came, some left, then we hit a club. It was a club with a live band though :S I really don't like live bands in clubs, because then everything sounds too similar. On the upside however, there was no "50 cent" singing about bringing a girl to "the candy shop", and letting her lick "the lollypop", telling her to keep going 'head and that she shouldn't stop, and to continue until she hits the spot.... WOAHW!All of us left

It was a really good night. I'd like to thank everybody who came out. Thanks a lot guys (Except Jodi, who sucks for saying she'd come and never actually coming). Especially John, the Grow-Your-Own-Boyfriend who's been in my pool for almost the reuired time now.

Peace dawgs. I'm off to chill with my home boys in the projects and watch star trek together. I can't forget my communicator this time. Man, was that ever embarrising last time.

jeudi, mai 26, 2005

At work

I got in to work this morning and immediately prepaired my self a Cinnamon Raison bagel, put some margerine on it and coated it with Cinamon Sugar. It was good. I thought of you Eric.

dimanche, mai 22, 2005


So I'm home. And though it's been almost days days, I'm still fucking impressed by the Hollish and their biking ability. Paul was able to ride a crappy bike, hold a bear, AND open my bear (and these aren't twist off), I just held the beer out while we were biking, and bam, it was open. Then he opened his own. Now remember, this is while drunk and holding his own beer, biking at a responable speed.

We went out to a club that night (bikes there, so cool). Mayo got the Canadians a rep of hittig on anything that movied. I know it was Mayo and not me because like most clubs, I spent most of my time walking around outside waiting for the evening to end.

We went back, drank more, I went to sleep at 4, then at 5 I woke up and a crazy dutch male was spooning with me, and Liesa was tickling my feet, and Mayo was stumbling around the room drunk. Later on in the morning I noticed the staires were broken.

Basically slept the next day, went to Brussells, slept in the airport, there was a phsycotic Syrian guy there, he made me uncmfortable. In the morning we all re-united, turns out they had 2 to 1 bets that Aaron and I wouldn't make it. We flew home, and, yeah.

See you guys soon!

jeudi, mai 19, 2005

My day in Sittard

Matt, Mayo and Pauls sisterHmm, what can I say? Sittard seems great, we got here last night, met up with Paul (one of Arrons friends) and went to his sisters place. Just hung out there for a bit, drank, etc.. Then we wenbt out to The Snack Shack, we all had this Mexicano Meal. I've been to Mexican restairents and I dunno what the fuck that stuff was. Paul says it's worse than McDonalds, like, it's every part of the cow that couldn't otherwise be sold.

With the combo was a free DVD, and a jar of dutch crap (onions, or spices, I dunno.. They should make good presents too who ever doesn't read this and know that it's stuff I got for free and couldn't otherwise get rid of.) We got back to Paul's sisters to get our stuff, then headed to his place. We needed trasnportation though, and since we're in Holland we thought we'd aquire transportation the Dutch way, bike stealing. To put this in perspective though, bike stealing is not such a bad thing here, every one has a really really crappy bike, and a nice one. The nice ones are locked in the house, the nice ones are just left around for stealing. And yeah, the crappy bikes are soo dcrappy, they al llook 20-30 years old, Paul's doens't even have breaks as I noticed when I was riding it down a hill..

Matt and Mayo biking happily togetherThis morning when we woke, Paul was already back from work with beer. Awesome host. So we had a good breakfast, shaved mayos head and biked to Germany. Walked through a lot of posion ivy (stupid Germany) and went to a store looking for Absense. The cashier seemed really angry, turns out that is just what German sounds like.

Nothing much happened for the rest of the night, Paul busted in this room with a hitler mask on and yelling in German and doing the nazi salut, we shaved a Staircase into Mayo's sideburns, made supper, Paul let his roommate lube up a (phillips head) screwdriver and insert it into him, watched a movie.. The norm.

mercredi, mai 18, 2005

Amsterdamnian's are crazy

So I was sitting at a computer the other day, when the crazyest niderlandish guy came and sat next to me. At first all he wanted was help logging in, but instead of logging in, he made me go to the blog he wanted to see. He chose me I guess because he saw me typing fast or somehting, and was like "you type fast? you computer expert." and yeah, wouldn't go away.

More and more, he would make me go to these other sites, and then make me write down on paper the address, like "you know this? write it down!" and I jsut dind't know what to do. Aaron came in then and saw this and was jsut as confused as me. He started going on about the JFK assassination, the mooners (a cult), helping some canadian guy, wanting my help with blogs, bush, and mind control. And after he said something, he'd make me write it down. Or he'd pull out a book from 50 years ago that had a picture of his father in it, then he'd point at the name, and make me write it down.

Took me 10 minutes of constant "thats great, but I got to go, I'm really late, no, I got to go. Fine, I'll write it down" to get out of there.

Crazy Dutchlander people.

Then Aaron and I went to a strip club where the girls would just realise we were broke and then they'd stop talking to us.. Then we hit a coffee shop and tried to flirt with Mass-e-ch-u-setts (fuck, I can't even say that word properly, let alone spell) girls.

mardi, mai 17, 2005


Man, where oh where could I ever get cheap hard drugs then go pay for sex? Oh right.. Amsterdamn.

The red lgiht district is horrible. Opened my eyes to what legalising things does. Like, bout the hookers, I don't really care if one woman does it, but when theres an organization in place to facilitate the objectifying of women, yeah... That bugs me.

And also, before now I didn't rally care if weed was legalised or not, now I see that as soon as weed is legalised, then instead of weed being offered by sketchy people downtown, it'll be coke and exstacy. Aaron and I were offered cocain and exstacy at every intersection last night. It was kind of funny actually.

But yeah, in Ottawa right now, weed is so easy to get, that doesn't bother me at all. Cocain, etc, actually takes "a guy", like, you need to know someone to get these drugs, and there's a low supply which means high prices, etc.. it keeps the presents of hard drugs relatively low. In Amsterdamn, it seems that since weed is legal, now the hard drugs are even more prevailent here than weed is in Ottawa.

Other than that though, great time, this city is awesome, everyone here is awesome. No analness like in France and England. And these Amsterdamian girls are so hot. It is cold and rainy though. but whateve.

Oh, I think my camera has the rarest USB cord ever. I went to a camera specilaty shop, 7 different types of cords but not mine. So I baught a card reader, and it doens't work anywhere here. Actually, I bet it doens't work at all, and I'll only know for sure once I'm home and the cost of exchanging it is more than the card reader it self.

lundi, mai 16, 2005

Out of Frenchland, into sweet Dutchland

Don't expect too much of my typing, there's the hotties Hollish check next to me and I can't do anything but check her out it seems.

So yeah, we climbed the nicest mountains yesterday, it was amazing., And when comming down, there were these rock slide areas, and we basically skated down them, I was sure one of us would die, but no. We're both here. Amazing. We climbed down to the beach, we said Hi to people walking by but French are anal people sometimes and only the hairy armpit lady said Hi back. So we get to the nicest beach ever, and notice it's almsot a makeout place, and that everyone things Aaron and I are more "emsemble" then we actually are.

But yeah, we jumped in. SOO cold, and I knew it was salt water (well, I thgouht it was fresh), but not that salty.. Man that's salty, I was spitting for 5 minutes, jsut frmo a few seconds being in I had salt crust all over my face and..

Anyways, to make this short (running out of time), lots of hotties, some topless, beautiful scenery in Marceilles.

Oh, French people refuse to speak/learn anything but French, and whenever you ask where somehting is, it's ALWAYS "toute driots". Ebverything is "toute driots".. Which some how dones't mean always right.

We slept on the hospital flore another night, and last night, they wanted us too, they loved us. We did a lot of flirting, and gave them flowers, all that.

This morning we trained to Amsterdamn. We stopped in Paris, some waiter wasted our time and a summery of what we saw: Alcohol store (we got soo much), train station, and crappy restaurent.

But yeah, we're in Amsterdamn, so far it's awesome, except the whether. So many Hollish hotties too.

So, any new bets on who comes home on schedule and not injured? My money is on me. So far we've lost 1/3rd of our personal in 1/2 the time. I think we're doing pretty well.

I still can't beleive that giant albino gorilla escaped and just attacked Tyler like that.

Anyways, later.

Oh, I think Party at my place on the 27th or 28th.. I think...... Something will go on, sure of that. Keep it open.

samedi, mai 14, 2005

UPDATE on Tyer

k, h doens't need surgery, here are the vague instructions I emailed his family on calling him (so if his brothers read this tey can get it to his parents)

To call him, the number is: 04 91 7 45384
That's once your in France though, from outside of France you might need to prepend a 0033.

Also, I think the "45384" at the end is an extention. I wish I could be more clear but they were really vague about it at the Hospital, just because they don't usually have foreigners there.

Who won the bet?

First off, I would like to say that french keybords are fucking retarded. Further more, a lot of the keys are switched, so if you see a q that doesnt make sence, its probably an a.

So, I dont know who won the whod get hurt first bet. On one hand; Mayo listened to us when we told him to jump into a bush, now he has a huge bruise on his ass (which he photographed on my camera...) from landig on the metal poll that was hidden in the brush. But then we have to consider Tyler, about 20 minutes later, injured his anckle (the doctors use the medical term "exploded") and he's going in for surgery tomorrow. Who knew being attacked by a herd of wild french bores would do that....

The night was halarius, when the ambulance FINALLY arrived after 25 minutes, they let Mayo and I come with; and Tyler said no pictures to me, so Mayo, behind and out of sigh, just shut off his flash. TYhen the guy was showing me the parqmetic helmat, it looks so robotic, I got some pictures zith it on. Anyways, we get to the hospital; and expected a long wait, so we set up our sleeping bags in the waiting room on the chqires infront of everyone and camped out. 9 hours later, we wake up; quite refreshed actually, and go and find Tyler. The nurses zere nice; they gave us food, we showered, all that. I wish I could show the pictures; theyùre halarious.

Were going to try to sleep there again, say Tyler needs us or something. Then leave him in frqnce as we goto Holland (hes planning on flying back early)

Anyways, back to walking around aimlessly in France.

vendredi, mai 13, 2005

Barcelona ROCKS

Had the best time in Barcelona, everything is amazing.

AND, I even found a really hot British chick, first one I've seen in Europe, she was in Barcelona, but it proves they exist. My theory is Europe ships all it's ugly girls to England, and all the hot ones in England move away. She helped me find the train station, saw her again this morning too on the metro actually. Cool girl.

After a few hours I finally found the train station, and after a lot of sleeping in line, I noticed some cute girl, so I went over to talk to her, using the pick-up line "?Aplas inglais?", and turns out she was from Vancover. So many Canadians here. Like, most of the drivers licenses left at the hostle as deposits were Canadian. Anyways, we parted to get our tickets, and then I ran into her later, and she showed me around the city for the next few (5-6) hours. And yeah, Barcelona is so great, we walked the beach, all through downtown, saw the Columbus statue, everything. She was awesome.

I got a picture of us at the beach, I thought I stood right outside of the waters range, and then some guy was taking the picture, a wave came and half way to my knee was soacked (and still is wet, the next day, well, kind of) it was funny.

Then we seperated, I went back to my hostle, and met up with another composite group of Vancouver people, and one Winnipeg girl, who had all randomly found each other.

After that I went to see The Sagrada Familia, soo freeken interspectaccularly (to quote Deltron 3030) amazing. I can't even describe it. It was in a non-populated area so I didn't stay long, I assumed it would be like where I was staying, which is packed all night. Clubs don't close until 5 here, you get cheap cover until 1:30.. by here I mean Barcelona, even though I'm in France right now... So beautiful, I really miss it.

Since then nothing has really happened, I took the train with two of the Vancouver people this morning, umm, we all sat in seats that were reserved for others, and when those others got on they came and got angry at us. And gave me angry looks later when I walked by them in the seets they resorted to.

Anyways, I don't want to waste my time here on the internet, I wanna go see the city, it's pretty nice actually.

jeudi, mai 12, 2005

Out of London!

I´m free! No more London, no more Englishes businessmen goudging me for money I don´t have, no more taxi drivers saying "Oh yeah, I´ll wait, no problem *adds 10 pounds to the tab, THEN adds a manditory tip*".

Man, where I´m from, when the taxi driver fucks you like that you jsut run out of the taxi. I dunno what it´s like in London though so I just took it. :(

Anyways, we met up with Steph Webb last night, awesome meal, good conversation, all that... Then we started discussing ways to get to Paris. Now, last minute ways from London to Paris arent cheap, unless you bus for 12 hours, but... fuck that. So, Steph looke donline for tickets, all that, and was naming options, and out of no where, Barcelona came up. And common, who dones´t wannt go to Barcelona. Well, aparently Mayo and Tyler don´t, so they´re in southern France right now (Marceis, or Marcais, or macrielle or something.) I on the other hand, am so many hundreds of km away in Barcelona. And man, it´s beautiful.

The city is gorgious, it´s warm, all the girls are beautiful, the prices are resonable, and everyone speaks a language I don´t know.

haha, took so long to jsut find this internet cafe. Now I gotta try and find a hostle or a ticket out of here or something. I just want to leave my stuff somewhere so I can walk around exploring without killing my back. it´s awesome here.

I would usually include pictures, but I seem to have lost my camera cord :(

mercredi, mai 11, 2005

German Girls are HOT

Well, we've all given up on England girls, but German girls, man.. SOO hot. There's a group from Berlin here, out of all 15 of them, 3 are guys, and 10 are super hot girls. And they HAD TO talk to us because their objective was to practice their english. Otherwise I'm sure they'd have shafted us...

So Dom, I completley beleive you when you talk about Kitchener/Waterloo because you mentioned they're German decendates.

haha, man, Tyler was afraid I was going to pull out the pizza joke when I brought up WWII, all like "So, what's the difference between a pizza *point at the pizza on the table*, and jews? A pizza doesn't screem when _YOU_ *point at them all* put them in the oven!". It would have been so funny for us but.. yeah.

There's a Virginian group here too, it was funny, I found them when they were all sitting in the cafeteria and their prof was reading them the entire list of rules or whatever. So Elementry. I laughed at one of the girls for it, she completly understood.

On the bad side, I think I have an ear infection. :S I can't hear out my left ear (feels popped), and the glands under it kind of hurt. It's also periodically disorientating me. Hopefully it's just side effects of the cold I have. Tyler was describing similar symptoms.

Oh, and almost EVERYONE smokes here. Like, I'm able to tell who's European and who's not by seeing if they're smoking. It's discusting. And they can smoke almost anywhere.

mardi, mai 10, 2005

Still in London

Dutch lesbians who would have nothing to do with us.. We asked..

So, today at the British Musuem, Mayo and I got totally shot down by some Dutch Lesbians. :( I don't understand why.

The museum was sweet though, I forgot about the Agroa and the Ceiling (it was shown on Frontiers of Construction).

But yeah, it was sweet, oh, here's the outside:

And of course the inside had it's sites too, here's mature Mayo appreciating Hercules :)

Mayo with Hercules

lundi, mai 09, 2005

We're in London!

Alright, before I write anything, just remember I'm on a British keybored, which are all fucked up (Why is the @ sign near the enter key? Crazy, they also can't drive on the right side of the road..)

Plane windowAlright, it's 16h00 here, and I haven't slept in, I dunno, the time change is fucking with me, either 32 or 27 hours. Either way, it's a long time. :) We were on the plane last night, obviously we took adventage of the duty free alcohol and were drunk. We decided to talk to everyone around us. How did we start this? Well, buying drinks for the girls behind us. Me, mayo, Alison, and MelissaBut yeah, wasn't a bad flight. Drunk, roudy. When we found usher on one of the radio stations, Mayo and I raised the roof, when the Zebra won the race in that crappy movie about a racing Zebra, we got up and cheerwed with a a big "Yes!" (I dunno where the quotations are.) Then we ended the flight with a slow clap. No one joined in.

So anyways, we get to London, first thing i notice are a lot of the sterotypes are true, for example, the passport lady was a bitch to me. Freeken rolling her eyes and sighing at me for everything I said. And the train ticket guy actually did finish all his sentences with "..., yeh?", like "Train to victoria, yeh? here your tickets, yeh? Platform 5, yeh?" AND, the guy on the Airport intercome sounded so evil, the british sexy man voice just does, I can't exaplin it. I swear I felt he was one of the world domination guys just by him announcing to us where to go.

me, Tye, Mayo, of fuck whats his name..., and BenAnyways, enough with that, so we're in London, we meet up with an OPP guy on vacation, used to be the ehad bouncer at that hole OnTap, he sees we're thristy, we get on the train, get off, and head straight for a pub. Three beers later (8 am your time) he's drunk, telling us easy ways to make acid, about how all cops are currupt, the big cross-department drug parties they have, all that. He's crazy funny. I never knew making acid was as easy as leaving a peice of Rye bread on top of your fridge for 3 months.

We haven't really done anything since, jsut walked around London, finally found a Hostle. I think Tyler is sleeping and I dunno where Mayo is. Maybe we should develop a better plan than "if we get lost/seperated, we meet in two weeks in Brussells"

Hmm.. Come to think of it I cna't think of anything crazy or exciting to write about. Mayo dind't even climb anything today. For shame.

So yeah, instead of writting more and being boring. I'll end it here.

PS If you're worried about our well-being, we have shelter and are well fed matt eating

Oh, Ottawa girls are still BY FAR the hottess.

samedi, mai 07, 2005

In Toronto

The CN TowerWe're arrived in Toronto at 9 am. My boss just stopped the car and told us to get out. Stranded us in a city 500 km from home.

We're tired, and hungry, and the address Mayo's uncle gave us doesn't seem to exist. Crap...

UPDATE: The guy does exist! Turns out I know him too. We went to school together in grade 9. We finally got here around 10.. Not really sure, the beer store was closed at the time. :(

Man, we weren't in Toronto for 20 minutes before "kicked out of mall" stuff started happening. Silly Mayo...

Basically we just walked around Toronto all day. Mayo played chess with some guy (for money), they were awesome, so fast. Wooped his ass.

Man, we got sooo lost today. We had to go to Humber or something, it was straight west, so instead of going west, we got on the subway. Around 10 stops later we looked at the map and were commenting on how straight north wasn't helping us go west and the distance between where we were and where we wanted to go was jsut getting huge fast. We theorised that maybe the subway was cyclical, and it'd come back around... Nope, straight line.

A few hours later we finally got to where we wanted to be, Mayo met up with his chick. We all went out to Keylsey's, had a few drinks, all that. During the meal (Well, the drinking) Mayo mentioned something about using CTRL-X, this resulted in Becky rolling her eyes and calling Mayo "such a computer person". And she was serious! Tyler and I just burted out laughing at him, such a computer nerd.

Later we came here (Mayo's uncle). The cat (kitten) is freeken insane, I love him. He keeps pouncing on the bag. He's almost won fights against my bag a couple of times, but my bag always wins out at the end. I got a picture of him in the dishwasher this morning (evidently he hangs out there) but it was with Aaron's camera so I cna't post it online yet. :(

Anyways, lets conclude with something important: Ottawa girls, you're so hot. There are almost no hotties in Toronto. And we were searching.

mercredi, mai 04, 2005

Almost in Europe!

It's four days until I leave for Europe, and finally we starting thinking about how exactly we're getting to the airport in Toronto. All this time we were going by Tyler's plan which was convincing Phil to bring us up. When I mentioned this to Tyler the other night he claimed ot have no recolection of ever mentioning such a plan, even though his brother was behind me bearing witness to Tyler expressing said plan; so that's when I realised we needed something a bit more concrete.

Man, I got nothing interresting to write about, I don't want this to just be another journal style blog, all like: Today I woke up, I went to my kithen and drank orange juice. It was good. Then I went back to sleep.

I hate those blogs, so very pointless. And because of work lately, I haven't even had time to get shotdown by a hot girl stories. Normally I get shotdown twice, thrice a week, but lately... nothing. Ahh, I still remember the last shootdown.
Me: Hey, you look nice today.
Her: ahhhh...... alright.........

Her tone was so... "moving alogn...."'ish.

But yeah, work and my swollen-from-capoeira-feet have just kept me inside in this sausage fest I call Realdecoy.

In more important news, I miss Tiff! :(
Oh, and Harper is trying to bring down the government, the government elected by you, the people. Hung for treason he should be.
For some good news though, Family Guy is back, and I knew when they showed that clip of that guy decking his wife because she didn't believe his threat of "one of these days Alice, one of these days!", that they hadn't lost their charm.

I hope this post satisfies the inquensible thirst for reading my audience has. Especailly the one individual who posts the hurtful comments. I'm a person too you know.